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Alamin, Taufik (2024) Politik Orang Jawa : Orientasi, Patronase, dan Rasionalitas. Intrans Publishing, Malang. ISBN 978-602-0899-96-1
Arif, Mohammad and Rahma, Vika Faiza (2024) Nomophobia Among Adolescents: The Role of Hadith in Overcoming Nomophobia in Adolescents Through Character Education. Nomophobia Among Adolescents: The Role of Hadith in Overcoming Nomophobia in Adolescents Through Character Education, 5 (04). ISSN E-ISSN 2527-8177 pp. 637-652
Handayani, Diah and Ilaina, Rudhad (2024) Communication Model For Stunting Health Agent In Kediri District, East Java Province, Indonesia. Communication Model For Stunting Health Agent In Kediri District, East Java Province, Indonesia, 08. pp. 127-133. ISSN e-ISSN : 2378-703X
Tohari, Ilham and Waseso, Anggit and Herawati, Erna (2024) Legal Protection of the Rights Children Born Out of Wedlock: A Comparative Study in Indonesia and Malaysia. Legal Protection of the Rights Children Born Out of Wedlock: A Comparative Study in Indonesia and Malaysia, 07. pp. 2144-2149.
Zunaidi, Arif (2024) BERKAH FILANTROPI DI TENGAH TURBULENSI EKONOMI Peran Aksi Filantropi Gusdurian Peduli dalam Penanggulangan Turbulensi Ekonomi Masyarakat Terdampak COVID-19. PT MAFY MEDIA LITERASI INDONESIA. ISBN ISBN: 978-623-8543-21-2
Zunaidi, Arif (2024) METODOLOGI PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT Pendekatan Praktis untuk Memberdayakan Komunitas. Yayasan Putra Adi Dharma. ISBN ISBN : 978-623-09-9844-7